Happy New School Year! We in UA's Office of Diversity and Global Education are looking forward to a fabulous year! We hope everyone at UA will stop by the Global Village to say hello to Ms. Cheryl Vander Linden who is new to Ursuline. Ms. Vander Linden is located in the heart of the Global Village and is ready to assist students with applications and questions about hosting a student, applying to travel with Ursuline and more. Ms. Vander Linden and Ms. Nipp first worked together years ago at a certain boys' school down the road - good times as you can imagine! But these are truly exciting times and we could not be happier to be working together at UA!!
More excitement has come to the Global Village in the form of our new digital frame. Now we can display hundreds of photos of delegation visits to our sister schools, of our international guests and more! Currently, we are featuring photos of our most recent delegation to Peru as well as our most recent travels to Brazil (including the delegation visit of 2009 and the Brazil Sciences classes of 2009 and 2010). We invite you to relax in the Village and enjoy some fun photos of some familiar faces! Also, we'd love to receive more photos from those who traveled with UA this summer!
Welcome, Mrs. Vander Linden!