Our UA students attended classes with the English language students in the high school and then had a lovely lunch in the courtyard of the convent with the girls from the student council. The afternoon ended with a walk around the farm which was a complete adventure of discovery for our students. They fed apples to the horse, fed grapes to the chickens and learned about the different trees from Sr. Angela. Now they want to know why we in Dallas don't offer a farming elective, why they don't have a school horse and why we don't have grape vines all over our school so that they can snack on grapes all day. While these are all excellent questions, I did point out that our environment is somewhat different (this answer did not convince them, of course).
Our fabulous day in Maipu ended with big hugs from Sr. Angela and from the Maipu students as well as with a special gift from Sr. Angela - a prayer card of the Virgen del Carmen from the Basilica. Now we all have a memento to treasure and to remember this wonderful day for years to come...
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