In the short time that we were at Sanyu, we quickly connected in a special way with a few of the babies. I was captivated by a cheerful little toddler named Ester who was wearing a pink dress and who pretty much told me what to do and where to go (which I appreciated since I know little or nothing about babies).
I am especially proud of Maluza for not having a complete breakdown when she came upon a teeny malnourished baby who was actually around 6 months old but who had just arrived at Sanyu having been found abandoned in a toilet (which, sadly, is not an uncommon story among these babies). It was more than heart-breaking and, when she learned that his name was Isaac, just like her youngest son, well, it was almost too much. Needless to say, she scooped him up, pulled him very close and didn't put him down until we had to leave (and I am not so sure that she isn't plotting right now about how to smuggle him home).
I know that each of us will remember the babies for a long time and will wonder what will become of them. Their names are so present to me - Harrison, Gideon, Ester... I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to return to the Sanyu Babies Home and that I saw some of the babies that I remember from last year looking very happy and healthy.
Luckily, Sanyu has a very dedicated staff as well as many volunteers from Uganda and abroad because it is a place where so, so much help is needed. My greatest hope is that we will be able to return to Uganda with our students and that they will have a chance to serve at this hopeful and saving place.
I'm glad you were able to spend some time giving cuddles. I know they'll be in your prayers long after you leave.